
Frequently asked title questions click here.

Print Electronic Title click here.  The title will be mailed to you as it is printed on security paper ($4.50).
You can obtain a printed copy of an electronic title at our offices for $10.

Titles in more than one name separated by "or" can be sold by any of the individuals.  If names are separated by "and", all parties must sign.

To add or remove any name from a title (including lienholder - add only) requires the vehicle to be retitled and the fees below apply.  All parties need to be present for change (if someone is currently listed as or and is going to be removed, they do not need to be present). .A surviving spouse does not need to retitle as they are authorized to sign as owner (provide copy of death certificate to sell vehicle).

Title not required on trailers through 1999 pounds, mopeds (with pedals), or motorized bicycles.  For homemade trailers, obtain a certified weight slip (can obtain from the Rosemary Landfill) to obtain a tag.

Electronic Title $75.25
Paper Title $77.25

If the lien on your vehicle has been satisfied and the title is electronically maintained, DHSMV is encouraging owners to maintain their titles electronically. Customers may still request that a paper title be printed at any time. Titles are mailed to the address reflected on the owner’s motor vehicle record and are generally mailed within two (2) days of receipt of the request. To request a paper title, visit https://services.flhsmv.gov/virtualoffice/ to submit your request. If you wish to obtain a paper title immediately, our offices can print the title for $10.00.